Have you ever wanted to earn money just for searching the way you usually do? You can do that with Swagbucks! Swagbucks is one of my favorite programs out there right now. Truly, they pay you to search.With Swagbucks you earn bucks by searching. It will display results much like Google and find … [Read more...] about Earn money by searching with Swagbucks
Grab some $4/$20 at CVS
When you go to CVS to pick up all of your free stuff this week, stop by the pharmacy first. When you ask the pharmacist about the "auto-fill" program they will give you a booklet with information and another booklet full of coupons. The coupon book has various coupons in it, but also includes 2 … [Read more...] about Grab some $4/$20 at CVS
Free Two Year Subscription to Shape Magazine
Fill out a survey here through RewardsGold and receive a two year subscription to Shape magazine.You will never get a bill from them. You fill out the survey, give your information, and start getting your magazine in a few weeks. It really is that easy!!(Thanks FreebieBlogger!) … [Read more...] about Free Two Year Subscription to Shape Magazine
Prescription coupon alert!
There was a $10 Gift Card prescription coupon in the Target ad from Sunday's paper. Grab it and stash it somewhere! It could come in handy.(Thanks "Cents"able Momma!) … [Read more...] about Prescription coupon alert!
Walgreens Deals 8/16 – 8/22
There are not a whole lot of great deals at Walgreens this week, but here are the best ones I see:SoftSoap Nutri Serums Body Wash $3.99(If you have any of the online $2 coupons (no longer available) use them hereGet $3.99 in Register RewardsFinal Price: FREEMars candy .49 (with in-ad coupon)Use $1/2 … [Read more...] about Walgreens Deals 8/16 – 8/22
My Wags shop today
So what's a girl to do when she is waiting to have her car serviced with her two kids?Walk across the street to Walgreens, of course!!I bought4 Velveeta Shells and Cheese ($4)2 Neosporin ($7.98)I used2 .50 Neosporin coupons (-$1)2 B1G1 Velveeta coupons (-$2)1 Back 2 School Velveeta coupon (-$1)1 … [Read more...] about My Wags shop today