Here are the best Meijer deals and coupon matchups for this week!
Top deals
- Frosted Mini Wheats, Frosted Flakes, or Nutri-Grain bars, 4/$10 with $2 instant savings wyb four.
Your best deal is on Nutri-Grain:
Print $1 and $1/2 Nutri-Grain on Kellogg’s Family Rewards, no points needed.
You can also print $1/2 Nutri-Grain coupon.
If you can get four $1 printables, you can get four boxes for $4 after coupons + instant. - Ronzoni pasta or light n fluffy noodles, $.99.
Print $1/2 Garden Delight coupon. - Silk cashewmilk, almondmilk, soy milk, $2.50.
Use $1 in the 11/16 RP. - 7-Up 2 liters, $.88.
Print $1/3 7-Up or
Use $1/3 in the Keebler holidays booklet. - Heluva Good dip, $.99.
Use $.75 in the 11/23 SS. - New York frozen bread, $2.
Print $.75 coupon (ZIP 02134).
- Two day sale through 12/11, plus Santa Bucks!
- Log into Meijer mPerks and enter code FREEBRUSH14 to unlock an offer for a free Colgate Extra Clean Toothbrush through 12/11.
- Fri-Sat only: Load on mPerks: $5/$75 and $15/$150.
For the rest of this week’s deals visit Mashup Mom!