Here are the best Meijer deals and coupon matchups for this week!
Top Deals
- On the buy eight save $8 instantly sale (price after instant):
Hungry Jack syrup, $1.99.
Use this new $.55 Hungry Jack printable coupon to get it for $1.44.
Also good on this sale: 48 oz Crisco oil, $1.89. - Meijer posted on their Facebook page that 6 oz raspberries are on sale 2/$1 until Saturday!
If Driscoll’s at your store, use survey coupons to get them free. - Free Aveeno shave gel after coupons + Catalina.
- Buy five for $10, get one free mix/match:
Weight Watchers Smart Ones, Boston Market Meals, Chili’s entrees.
Use $1 Chili’s in the 9/14 SS or
use printable $1 coupon.
Use $1/5 Smart Ones in the 10/5 RP1.
Print $2/7 Smart Ones coupon.
Your best deal is on Chili’s: Buy six for $10 after instant savings.
Use five $1 from the 9/14 SS and/or printable coupons = $5/6, or $.83 each. - Center cut half boneless pork loin, $2.49/lb.
- Top ten for $10 get the 11th item free deals:
- Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up 2 liters.
Use $1/3 2-liter bottles any flavor 7-Up, A&W, Canada Dry, Sun Drop, Squirt, or Sunkist coupon.
Use $.25 Sierra Mist in the 10/12 SS.
Print $1 7-Up TEN coupon (must share) for free pop. - Knorr sides. Load $1.50/5 on mPerks.
- 4 roll Angel Soft.
Use $.45 in the 11/2 RP or
print $.55 Facebook coupon or
print $.45 here. - Green Giant boxed veggies excludes asparagus.
Load $.80/4 on mPerks. And,
Get $.80 back on four on SavingStar. - Meijer 10 ct waffles.
- El Monterey breakfast burritos.
Print $1/2 here (ZIP 60129). - Dole 20 oz pineapple or 15 oz mandarin oranges.
Print $.40 mandarin oranges coupon and
Get them for just $.60.
- Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up 2 liters.
For the rest of this week’s deals visit Mashup Mom!