Here are the best Meijer deals and coupon matchups for this week!
Top Deals
- Land O Lakes 6.5-8 oz margarine quarters, spread, or spreadable butter, $1.50.
Use $.40 Land O Lakes Butter Spread Tub Product in the 8/10 SS and
Get it for $1.10. - Select 16 oz Coffee-Mate or Natural Bliss, 3/$5.
Print $1/2 Coffee-Mate Facebook Coupon.
Print $.75 Natural Bliss Facebook Coupon. - Brown-n-Serve, $.88.
- Chi-Chi’s salsa or tortillas, $1.50.
Print $1 Chi-Chi’s salsa (ZIP 62946) Coupon.
Just $.50 after coupon. - Suave or Suave Kids’ Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash or Body Lotion, Styling Aids or Deodorant, buy one get one 50% off.
Use $.50 body wash Sept. and Oct. All You
Use $2 professionals styler or treatment in the 9/28 RP (exp. 10/26).
Use $1.50 Professionals shampoo or conditioner in the 9/28 RP (exp. 10/26).
I’m thinking the professionals shampoo/conditioner will be near free with two $1.50 and the buy one get one 50% off sale, but am not sure of the original price. - On the Eckrich instant savings deal (must buy five mix/match items for these prices):
- Eckrich smoked sausage, $1.99.
Print $1 Facebook coupon. - John Morrell 12 oz bacon, $1.99.
Use the previously available $1.50/3 printable if you still have. - Nathan’s Beef franks or sausage, $1.99.
I’ve seen $1/2 tearpads at Pete’s recently, so keep an eye out for those.
- Eckrich smoked sausage, $1.99.
For the rest of this week’s deals visit Mashup Mom!