If you’ve been wondering how to find your coupons, make sure to bookmark my Coupon Database! It is there to help you! The Coupon Database is a collection of the vast majority of coupons that are currently available across the United States. I wish that I could say every single one, but because coupons arrive and disappear on a daily basis, having 100% is virtually impossible. That said, there are thousands in the database and they are constantly changing and updating. If you find a coupon that you don’t find in the Coupon Database, please help a girl out! You can submit those here and request that they be added. I appreciate it!
Let’s talk about how to use the Coupon Database. When you first arrive, you’ll see this image in the middle of the page.
This box is where you’ll enter your search term. Let’s say that we’re looking for coupons for Colgate. Enter Colgate into the Search bar (like above) and click “Search” or hit “Enter” on your keyboard. This is an example of the results you’ll see:
The first column says “Description.” This is the type of coupon for which the savings is available (i.e. Colgate Mouthwash or Colgate Toothpaste) The next column says “Value.” This is the amount of savings that you will receive by using this specific coupon. The next column will tell you the expiration date of the coupon (some having none at all and some will vary, so don’t let that throw you!)
The “Source” column is one that you will want to pay specific attention to. This will tell you where to find your coupon. We will get back to this in just a second! “Limitations” will let you know what exclusions there might be (i.e. valid on only 16 oz bottles of Colgate Rinse or larger) and the “Store” column will let you know if this is a Store Coupon for a specific store. For example, Publix, Walgreens and Kroger all offer store coupons that you will find in this list in addition to regular manufacturer’s coupons.
Now let’s talk about “Source” and “Blogging Format.” My Coupon Database contains both coupons that are printable as well as coupons that have been released in Sunday newspaper inserts, as peelie coupons (one that you find stuck to a product you’re buying), blinkie coupons (those that are in a little container – often in a blinking machine – in the aisles of a grocery store) and more. You’ll need to learn how to tell the difference. One easy tip – if the text is blue, it is a printable coupon. If the text is black, it is not printable.
Let’s look at this image (which is the third listing from the search above). This tells us that there is a Colgate Toothpaste coupon valued at $.50 in the SS 8/16/15 (which means the Smart Source insert that came out the week of 8/16/15. You can find more abbreviations and lingo here.) This coupon will expire on 8/29/15, it is good on any Colgate Toothpaste 3 oz or larger and there is a limit of four that are able to be used in one transaction.
The image above tells us that there is a printable coupon for Colgate Total, Optic White, Enamel Health or Sensitive Toothpaste located on Coupons.com. You can click that blue link and it will take you right to the coupon.
My Coupon Database is there as a tool for you, so I hope it helps you find all of the savings you’re looking for!
Ready for more? Check out a list of other Couponing Tips here!