I got home today to find this nice surprise in my mailbox. 5 coupons for $1 off any Rice Krispies and a coupon for 1 box free!
All of this is courtesy of Vocalpoint. This great site is designed to let companies promote their products in return for your feedback. Once you register you will be brought to a page that discusses all of the products people are talking about in this forum. You can participate or not. You can fill out surveys or not. Either way, you will begin to receive random coupons (usually with one free product as well!) in the mail when you least expect it. The idea is that after you try it you will go back and let them know what you think.
These coupons usually have a long expiration date (these are 10/18) and often coincide with a CAT deal at one of our lovely grocery stores before they expire. You can use them right away or wait and see if you might be able to get more bang for your buck. Either way, it’s always nice to try something for free!