There are three new El Monterey coupons available today!
- $1 El Monterey Breakfast Burritos coupon
- $1/3 El Monterey Breakfast Burritos coupon
- $1 El Monterey Breakfast Burritos coupon
- $.75 El Monterey Taquito coupon
Many stores (including Walmart!) sell El Monterey Breakfast Burritos for $1 regular price, so here’s how to work your deal:
Buy 3 El Monterey Breakfast Burritos 1 ct $1 each ($3)
Use $1/3 El Monterey coupon
Final Price: 3/$2 ($.66 each)
This is going to be a very popular coupon, so I highly recommend grabbing yours now! You never know when the printables will disappear! Find Walmart deals here.